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What is Hypnobirthing?Hypnobirthing is a mixture of visualisation, relaxation and deep breathing techniques used throughout labour and birth as a method of pain management. These techniques along with the broad spectrum of antenatal knowledge we cover within the course, it will enable you to feel as confident and in control as possible throughout your birthing experience. ​ Once you understand the physiology of birth and all that comes with it, you will feel more confident in handling any surprises along the way. It will enable you and your partner to form your little "birthing bubble", and help create an experience you truly will never forget.
I have given birth before - Will Hypnobirthing help me?Hypnobirthing techniques can be successfully used whether this is your first, second or tenth baby! Mothers who have had children before can benefit from hypnobirthing to help create a calm & positive birth experience, and has proven to be very beneficial for mothers who have negative feelings about previous births or experienced birth trauma.
When should I be booking my sessions by?Ideally the best time to start your course would be between 27-32 weeks of pregnancy. With this in mind, it would be wise start considering booking your course around 18 weeks. ​ These course can be completed at any point in pregnancy however, so if you do decide to take the course later in your pregnancy they will work just the same as starting them in earlier weeks. The course delivery can also be changed in order to meet your timeline, so if you do want to complete these course in a shorter space of time we can discuss this further.
Can Hypnobirthing be used in all birth settings?Hypnobirthing techniques can be successfully used during any birthing scenario. Whether you are planning a natural birth or c-section, the tools and knowledge you will learn during your sessions will support yourself and your partner all the way.
What are the advantages of face to face sessions, and are they worth the money?"Online, diy classes are a great starting point in gaining the knowledge to require, however you will not receive the in depth, specific care you will receive when completing face to face sessions. As an instructor we can cater the courses to your requirements and you have the opportunity to learn face to face with someone who has the knowledge to go through any worries or uncertainties you may be feeling, or cover any additional topics that may not be included within the class. ​ You will receive support throughout your pregnancy in anything from birth plans, to researching and much more. These classes will give you time to solely focus on preparing for your birth and also help encourage your birthing partner and build their confidence in creating your little "birthing bubble". ​ The money you spend on these classes are an investment in you, your baby and your birthing experience, and the tools and techniques you learn will not only benefit you during labour and birth but in everyday life. These courses will enable to move forward and birth with with confidence, whilst remaining calm and relaxed throughout your birthing experience. As human beings we invest money everyday into items that we can rely on and that make our lives easier, so why should our experience of birth be any different?
What packages do you offer?Please click here to explore packages we offer.....

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